My advertisement pamphlet for my perfect world "Chrislandia" is of a tri-fold format with an opening on the front cover and details on each three pages of the inside. The front page is an introduction to entice the audience and draw in consumers. The first page inside the packet briefly outlines the structure of my perfect world which includes: True democratic government which supports a governing council in office for two years at a time, a multiple party system where any party has a fair chance of election, free health care for all, the economy is based on trade and not monetary units, and free education for everyone. The second page lists what the consumer can gain by living in this community such as true political voting power, security, clean and healthy living, a secure economy with all essential resources and you get to keep all essential freedoms and liberties. The final page touches on the responsibilities of the individual in the community which are that you must attend at least 3 political assemblies of your choice per month as well as any party meeting, you must apply for a community position to be your job which you get to choose from a list of available positions.
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