Sunday, December 9, 2012
Reflecting on my blog
Creating and upkeeping a blog for my English 1A class has certainly been interesting. Before the fall semester started, I had never taken part in blogging at all; I hadn't created one or even read one. I've come to see that blogs can be beautiful things. It was great to have blog assignments because I could be creative and say what I wanted to say however I wanted to say it. It's not often that one gets a chance to do something like that for a grade. I'm not sure if I will keep blogging. Part of me wants to continue this form of self expression, but to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I'll be motivated enough to press on. So for any of you who care, I wouldn't advize that you wait at your computer 24/7 for what ever my next post could be... Thankfully, I doubt anyone would miss this though. So we'll just have to see. Maybe I'll be back with more ramblings from within my scattered mind and maybe not. Who knows what the future holds. Please continue to enjoy pleasant tomorrows. Goodbye. Or perhaps it is so long-for now.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Essay of 5 Photos: Valerie and Me
I learned very quickly that Valerie had a very serious attitude problem, likely due to past improper maintenace, and that she was terribly resistant to my every attempt to help mend her. As soon as I fix one part, the other part connected to the first one would break, and so on, and so forth, until my frustration level would peak and I forced myself to walk away. Of course, this happened numerous times and occasionally multiple times a day. Though strong willed and free spirited as she is, at the end of the day, she is still the best friend I could have.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Alone in the wild?
Being alone in the wild... What does that mean to you? What constitutes as alone? Sure, if you go by the dictionary definition, it means you're completely on your own- so maybe that isn't the right word. But what is alone enough? Is it enough to have a few trees blocking the highway from view? No cell reception? No one else around for miles? Well how about we go far enough out so that the highway isn't even an issue, nix the phone for sure, but let's keep a friend or two to be alone with. That's about right for me. I love hiking and camping in places where that's just what I can do. Hike through dense trees on mountain sides with a small handful of friends. Sometimes in silence, sometimes with conversation. Then make camp by a body of water. Split apart from the companions to collect your thoughts and find peace. Sit by a lake, a river, or a stream and drop a hook in to catch dinner. Then it finds you.
No buzz of cell phones,
no hum of power lines,
no horns blaring or neighbors screaming.
Just a trickling current or whispering waves,
birds chirping,
grass tickling and fish will be nibbling.
Hear the soft, distant laughter of a friend....
I think this must be what Chris McCandless was looking for. But was it selfish not to share those moments? To keep them all to himself? Maybe. Maybe he needed that.
No buzz of cell phones,
no hum of power lines,
no horns blaring or neighbors screaming.
Just a trickling current or whispering waves,
birds chirping,
grass tickling and fish will be nibbling.
Hear the soft, distant laughter of a friend....
I think this must be what Chris McCandless was looking for. But was it selfish not to share those moments? To keep them all to himself? Maybe. Maybe he needed that.
Into the Wild- Was he brave?
Was Chris McCandless really so brave? Did he have to be strong to venture out in the Alaskan wilderness like that? Or was he forced into doing so by fear? I bet you haven't even considered the possibility that he may have just been running from his past to find a nice snowy grave. Into The Wild is a story one must read carefully, because it was written by a man who openly idolizes Chris McCandless. Author Jon Krakauer has had personal experiences with death-defying wilderness adventures and feels quite akin to Chris, and therefore his account of Chris' adventures are biased. Now, I'm not trying to say that Chris McCandless is a coward or even that he didn't truly find himself out there in the woods. But maybe that wasn't his intention; maybe he was running away from the hidden truths and uncovered lies of his childhood when he chanced upon inner peace. Krakauer has a way of describing Chris like a saint, and I'm not so sure I see him in the same light. Certainly he was a smart man and would be interesting to have a conversation with, but let me remind you that not all smart people make smart decisions. Chris McCandless, with as many warnings as he was given, tried to tough it out in the uncharted woods of Alaska and it chewed him up and swallowed him whole. It is remarkable that he did so much with what little he had, but I think, in the end, he was always doomed. I don't think I would mind dying in such a peaceful and beautiful place, but maybe not like that. And I would probably call home to let mom know I wouldn't be home for dinner... There are simply more graceful ways to go about dying!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Who are you online?
Who are you online? Are you smarter? Cooler? Better looking? Are you yourself? Am I? Well sure we are, right? Is it possible for us to be anyone else?
Golly, you guys sure do ask some tough questions! Truth is, there is no easy or straight answer. No matter what persona we wear online, there is always some element of ourselves that shows through, but what about the other aspects? You've all heard of and maybe even committed to such acts before; picking only the most flattering pictures to post, changing your displayed age, maybe even saying things you wouldn't normally say- in person that is. Is this consistent fallacy acceptable? It's said that having hundreds of friends on popular social media websites makes creating and keeping closer relationships increasingly difficult. Close relationships are being replaced with multiple distant ones. If you ask me, it all adds up the same. A couple big friends seems to be about equal to many small ones. Personally, I prefer a few select close friends but everyone's different and I don't much care what you do or how many friends you have so go ahead and knock yourself out. Times are changing and we are changing along with them- in many different directions. I can't tell you who is and is not your "friend"; I will, however, live and let live.
Golly, you guys sure do ask some tough questions! Truth is, there is no easy or straight answer. No matter what persona we wear online, there is always some element of ourselves that shows through, but what about the other aspects? You've all heard of and maybe even committed to such acts before; picking only the most flattering pictures to post, changing your displayed age, maybe even saying things you wouldn't normally say- in person that is. Is this consistent fallacy acceptable? It's said that having hundreds of friends on popular social media websites makes creating and keeping closer relationships increasingly difficult. Close relationships are being replaced with multiple distant ones. If you ask me, it all adds up the same. A couple big friends seems to be about equal to many small ones. Personally, I prefer a few select close friends but everyone's different and I don't much care what you do or how many friends you have so go ahead and knock yourself out. Times are changing and we are changing along with them- in many different directions. I can't tell you who is and is not your "friend"; I will, however, live and let live.
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